Best hotels in NEW YORK presented by bachelor Party in Portland

THE BRYANT PARK HOTEL The hotel industry as seen by David Chipper field Inaugurated in 2001 in the iconic American Radiator Building, the Bryant Park Hotel, which overlooks the eponymous park, quickly established itself as a favorite design hotel in the world of fashion and cinema. Of them. Bachelor party in Portland is the best party organizing company. THE JANE HOTEL Chic hostel On the banks of the Hudson near the Meatpacking District, The Jane is a former sailors' hotel housed in a Georgian-style building (red brick for beginners). The place is known to have housed in 1912 the... THE ST. REGIS NEW YORK Great lady Before perishing twelve years later on board the Titanic, John Jacob Astor IV, then one of the greatest American fortunes, opened in 1904 this luxury establishment whose name is borrowed from a French Jesuit in. GANSEVOORT PARK AVENUE Sex in the City Gansevoort. If you've been through the hip enclave of t...