12 things that are incomprehensible to us of Britain posted by wine tours portland



Foggy Albion has always been different from other countries. On the territory of Britain, ancient traditions and progressive trends coexist with success. All over the world, the British are known for their unique humour, which may be completely incomprehensible to foreigners, as well as dryness and restraint, because it is not for nothing that there is a saying “to leave in English” and a lot of other similar comparisons.  Wine tours Portland is one of the best tourist company.

Today we decided to dive headlong into Foggy Albion to tell you a little more about it.

1.       We are used to the fact that water meters are in our bathroom, but in Britain they need to be looked for under these little hatches on the street in front of the house.


2.       Windows in Britain open outward. At first it seems like something wrong, but you can find advantages in this technology. Opening the window to the outside saves space inside the room.

3.       In many houses of Foggy Albion, the cord is still the switch in the bathroom. As you know, water and electricity are very dangerous friends, so to minimize the risks, the British use a cord to turn on the lights.


4.       Friendship between British people does not involve spontaneous meetings. It is not customary for friends to come to each other without warning, here meetings are agreed in advance. But there is also an extremely pleasant tradition in the form of postcards, which are sent for all holidays to all relatives and, of course, friends.


5.       In Britain, playgrounds are always fenced in, so dogs are not allowed.


6.       The British shake hands only when they meet. On subsequent meetings, they do nothing of the kind, thus maintaining distance and personal space.


7.       The British love fishing, but their rules are slightly different from ours. They need to have a license to fish, and it is also forbidden to keep the catch for themselves. All fish caught from the river must come back.



8.       In Britain, just walking down the street, you can find a lot of unique architecture that has incredibly survived to this day. This tea house was built back in 1502.



9.       The Victorian bread warmer radiator is a prime example of how good the British are at saving money.



10.   Here, if an employee from a food delivery service comes with a large, square box, then he probably delivers pizza, but not in Britain, here they often deliver their world-famous breakfasts in this way.



11.   This is what the front door looks like. In Britain, it is generally rare to find an iron door or bars on the windows. Mail is thrown into a hole in the door, so you have to look carefully at your feet, suddenly you step on a neighbor's letter.



12.   The key is inserted into the lock upside down. Tourists take this for a mistake until they realize that this is how castles are arranged throughout England. Read more click on Wine tours Portland.


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