Totoshka Presented by vip party bus Portland


VIP party bus Portland has a mission to covert the knowledge. If anyone remembers, it was in Kansas that little girl Ellie lived on a farm, whom the hurricane took with the house to the Magic Land to the Tin Woodman, Cowardly Lion, Scarecrow and other cute (and not particularly) fairy-tale characters.


Ellie's girl is lucky to have lived decades after the Kansas Civil War - otherwise the fairy tale would not have been so funny...


So, the US Congress, in violation of previous agreements, announced that from now on, residents of new territories (including Kansas, of course) can choose for themselves whether their state will be free or slave ...


At the first moment, it is difficult to understand what the federal legislators were guided by. Someone may decide that they really saw in their imagination the most blissful, idyllic picture: the voters, exchanging smiles and bows, walk ceremoniously to the ballot boxes, where ballots "for" and "against" slavery are decently dropped ... A brass band plays, sells lemonade, banners fly ...


One might think that the congressmen did not know their fellow countrymen, who had long been inclined to solve political debates with the help of clubs and pistols. One might think that the congressmen were born yesterday and have never heard of American realities in their lives ...


In general, they, of course, were not idiots and should have foreseen which genie was released from the bottle. But this whole affair had its own background. All connected with the same gold circles and rainbow papers (however, for the sake of historical accuracy, it should be noted that the then American banknotes were rather unattractive in execution ...)


The "free choice of the future" bill was passed by Senator Stephen Douglas of the northern state of Illinois. At first, Douglas successfully pursued his career as a lawyer, but then, having saved up some money, he invested rather large capital in railway construction. The states of Kansas and Nebraska, in his opinion, were the ideal places for the construction of the transcontinental railroad. Which, as we remember, was an extremely profitable business: subsidies from the government, the land on both sides of the road (ten miles to the right, ten miles to the left all the way) are transferred to the ownership of the owners of the "pig-iron" ...


If Kansas were slave-owning, no one would have given any railways to build there. That is why Douglas overnight became a prominent opponent of slavery, delivering heartfelt speeches about freedom, democracy and the sacred right of the people to express their will. That is why he smuggled the Kansas-Nebraska Bill. With luck, the future railway oligarch hoped to rise even higher - to nominate his modest candidacy for president - again as a fighter for freedom, against "rotten slavery." Needless to say, he was a resourceful man...


Many at the same time saw through both his game and hidden motives - but the former lawyer nevertheless pushed through his law.


Very quickly, the population of the then Kansas was divided into two parties, southerners and northerners, that is, supporters of a different approach to the problem and different views on the future of the state. What else was to be expected? That very decorous vote? You poorly know free American morals...


Instead of fiddling with ballot boxes and visual agitation, they began to load their guns, saddle horses and sharpen hunting knives.


However, at first, the elections did indeed take place - but since the majority in the Legislative Chamber went to the southerners, the northerner delegates stood in a pose, declared that they would not personally participate in the work of such a vile institution - and withdrew somewhere into the unknown.


The most conscientious Soviet scholars (there were some) wrote about subsequent events in a neutral way: "Clashes began between supporters and opponents of slavery." It was half-truth, but still not an outright lie. Subjects more cynical with an unwavering hand deduced something like: "Gangs of slave owners who unleashed the war flooded into Kansas."


But what is remarkable is that back in 1940, in one of the ideologically consistent books of the well-meaning Soviet writer Kalm (71), by some miracle, the true truth slipped through: the northerners were the first to start. Apparently, the censor under the code "A35154" did not know overseas history well enough to discern sedition...


In short, a hundred heavily armed northerners raided the Kansas territory, camped in a picturesque place and announced: they came here to watch the observance of democracy. So that whatever happens ... And if anything, they will vote in no time at the elections as they should - against the reaction, of course...


Kansas was not yet a full-fledged state at that time, but the territory had its own laws: in order to participate in the elections, you had to live in this area for some time. From the point of view of the law, the visitors were violators - as they were informed by the southerners. However, the northerners, bristling with muskets, declared that they would stay here, and whoever is against democracy - a bullet in the head. The southerners spat and left.


Following a hundred northerners, more and more came toppled - all without exception taking with them the means of democratic persuasion, both single-shot and designed for six rounds. Then supporters of the southerners began to come to Kansas - also not empty-handed.


The governor of the territory, Rieder, a supporter of the northerners, for some unknown reason, appointed a village in the middle of nowhere as the meeting place of the Legislative Chamber. The members of the House refused to drag themselves far away. Then the governor dismissed the chamber - which on his part was a violation of all and all laws. Members of the House sent a complaint to Washington, and the governor was instantly fired.


However, in the meantime, the northerners gathered their supporters and quickly chose their Legislative Chamber, and elected Raeder as their head. The result is a form of dual power: two leaders, two legislative chambers, two administrations. Each of them considered only themselves legitimate, and named their competitors so that it was indecent to say.


The southerners caught some of the newcomers who rushed to Kansas and illegally took part in the elections, but they did nothing wrong, they just put them on a steamer and sent them from Kansas.


And so it began ... Reinforcements began to arrive on both sides - by steamers, on horseback, in whole trains. A fair number of revolutionaries from France, Italy and Germany, who had to flee their countries after suppressing the riots that they had staged, sprang up. Naturally, all this damn progressive public was going to fight against the "vile slave owners" ...


And a real war began, senseless and merciless. Of course, it is easy to guess that there was no front line, no military uniform, no ranks and ranks - armed detachments numbering from several tens to several thousand were chasing each other across the Kansas plains. Villages and farms burned, prisoners were simply shot. A criminal rabble poured into Kansas, under the guise of cheating on their affairs - the war, as you know, will write off everything, go and figure out later who robbed the farms, ideological guerrillas or visiting thugs. The Indians, who now and then removed scalps from the Southerners, then from the Northerners, made their share of the commotion - the Redskins were not going to interfere in the big politics of the whites, it was simply that Kansas was their original territory, and they, driven from their native lands, took revenge on all the pale-faced indiscriminately ...


The riots even reached Washington: during the debates in Congress, a certain Senator Semner called the Kansas southerners "a gang of robbers" and "rotten belch of civilization." For which the southern Senator Brooks from the heart hit him on the head with a cane. (For the sake of truth, it should be recalled that there was already a case in Congress when a northern senator rushed at a southern one with a revolver - so the southerners did not start ...)


Little by little, the bloodshed was stopped by the efforts of the federal center. The first was recognized as the legitimate "parliament" of Kansas - the Legislative Chamber, elected without the slightest violation of the law, where the majority belonged to the southerners.


Northern extremists did not like this. Like the future Russian intellectuals, they acted according to the principle: what they don't like is bad, and if the law is not on their side, then it is a wrong law ...


An active leader of the "northern" John Brown, a creepy person and splattered with blood up to his ears, on a dark night descended with his people in the village of southerners and killed five of them. Exclusively for the fact that they were "supporters of slavery," and this was not to Brown's liking ...


The scandal was serious. Even many northerners condemned Brown, believing that, nevertheless, one should not go too far and kill people for whom there is no specific fault. Brown himself did not feel the slightest remorse of his conscience and insisted that he had done "a deed pleasing to God." The memoirs of one of the northerners, a good friend of Brown, nevertheless amazed by what happened: “My wife intervened in our conversation:


“So, Captain,” she said, “do you think God used you as his weapon to kill people?


“Yes,” said Brown. “I think God used me as a weapon to kill people. And if I don't die soon, I think that He will use me as a weapon to kill many more people! " (53).


The Kansas authorities were extremely reactionary: they began to catch Brown and his accomplices as pure criminal murderers. But this could no longer change anything: the warring parties again took up arms, the villages were burning again and shots rang out. Northerner Montgomery, with a squad of armed supporters of democracy, raided the Kansas Supreme Court and burned all the cases that were there against his associates. The Kansas court sentenced him in absentia for some kind of feat to imprisonment - or, in the words of one of the Soviet historians, he committed "obvious injustice" ... that is, for murder, arson and other arts...


The war, which flared up again, lasted four years. It got to the point that the governor of Kansas gave up on everything and fled, because both those and those were seriously going to kill him ... For a while, Kansas remained without any legitimate power at all - those whom Washington wanted to appoint governor there fought back with their hands and feet declaring that they are not suicides, they want to live, and the children need to be put on their feet...


Finally, a determined man named Jerry was found, who agreed to take the governor's post. When he arrived in Kansas, he narrowly escaped on the very first day of a cruel death on the highway, where an armed gang attacked the governor's retinue. Later it turned out that this gang had nothing to do with any of the warring parties - just another gang of robbers caught sight of the city dudes riding on horseback with watches and wallets, well, and decided to screw up ...


Jerry reported to Washington that he found Kansas in a state of "desolation and devastation": "Homes and hearths are abandoned by residents. The smoke of burning dwellings covers the sky. Women and children, driven from their homes, roam the prairies and forests and seek refuge and protection even among the Indians. Numerous gangs of robbers rage on the roads. The warring parties strengthened the positions they had seized in the cities and, in their almost insane excitement, were ready to destroy each other ... The treasury was completely empty ... the laws lost their force, the courts did not actually work, and the government had almost no power. "


Jerry got down to business in the most energetic way. He drove out the most rabid extremists from the state, banned the entry of both southern and northern reinforcements, and began to restore order, sometimes by persuasion, and sometimes by a demonstration of force: units of federal troops had already entered to help him.


Little by little the situation was defused. Kansas was admitted to the Union as a slave state. The killed were buried, the burned villages were rebuilt. It is gratifying to clarify that the rogue Douglas, who made all this mess, was left with nothing. He nevertheless put forward his candidacy in the presidential elections (this time portraying an ardent supporter and defender of the ideals of the South), but everyone has already figured out what he is, and Douglas flew by in the elections. He also failed to break out into the railway tycoons.


I do not know the exact number of victims of the second civil war - but there is no doubt that it is great.


The most dangerous precedent was created: the southerners and northerners, for the first time leaving verbal battles, came face to face, with weapons in their hands. Neither side was satisfied, too many harbored anger, too many dreamed of revenge and revenge.


In distant misty London, the bearded political émigré Karl Marx (many of whose friends, variegated revolutionaries from different countries, fought in Kansas against the southerners) wrote shortly after the events: it is becoming increasingly obvious that the war in Kansas will be the prologue of the civil war in the United States. Marx in his predictions often hit the sky with his finger, but this time he turned out to be a prophet without quotes.


And just a year after the end of the Kansas War, in 1859, shots rang out again and blood was shed. It was not yet a war, but, without the slightest exaggeration or exaggeration, it was the first terrorist attack on US soil. Organized by John Brown, the Kansas assassin, about whom it is high time to tell more. A disgusting personality, but what is there, just disgusting - but after all, this is the first terrorist in the history of the United States, and it is impossible to ignore this story, especially since it is closely connected with the Civil War in the United States. For read more click on vip party bus Portland.


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