State of New Mexico Posted by party bus Portland


The New Mexico border state lies south of Colorado, neighbors to the east with Oklahoma and Texas, to the west with Arizona, and in the south with Texas and Mexico. The name of the state is of Spanish origin. In the 1560s, the Spanish conquistadors named the lands north of Mexico New Mexico, and after the end of the Mexican War in 1848, the territory of the state was ceded to the United States, the old name, only translated into English, remained. Royal Trips offering  Partybus Portland.


The bulk of the state's territory is occupied by the ridges of the Rocky Mountains, stretching in a north-south direction. The height of the mountain peaks reaches 4 kilometers above sea level. To the east of the mountains is the Llano-Estacado plateau, and to the west - the Colorado plateau. In the southeastern region of the state is the Carlsbad Caves National Park, one of the largest underground labyrinths in the world.


The state territory is 314.9 thousand square kilometers, and the population is 1.5 million people. Mostly people live in the valley of the main river of the state of Rio Grande. There is also the largest city in the state of Albuquerque, which, together with the suburbs, is home to up to 40 percent of New Mexicans. At the same time, 83 percent of the state's residents live in cities. The rural population lives either in small villages or on ranches. The vast majority of the population is white. At the same time, the percentage of Indians is relatively high - they make up about 9 percent of New Mexicans. Indians (mainly representatives of the Apache, Navajo and Pueblo tribes) live mainly in six reservations and nineteen Pueblo villages, located mainly in the Rio Grande Valley. Most of the state's residents (up to 38 percent) are descendants of the Spaniards. The state capital, Santa Fe, is the second oldest city in the United States after St. Augustine in Florida. More than 56 thousand people live in Santa Fe.


The state's weather conditions (located in an arid climate) make farming difficult. However, a feature of New Mexico is the constant increase in the number of farms, while in all other states this figure is falling. The main farming area is the valleys of the Rio Grande, San Juan and Pecos rivers. In the eastern regions, ranch-type cattle breeding are developed.


The flourishing of the state's industry was facilitated by the construction of railways, which began in 1879.


The backbone of the economy of New Mexico is the mining industry, in terms of the total output of which the state is one of the leading places in the United States. The main natural resources of the state are oil, gas, coal, copper and potash deposits. Major oil fields are located in the southeastern Eddie, Lee and Chaves counties, and in the northwest in the San Juan and McKinley counties. In terms of oil production, the state ranks 7th in the United States, and 4th in terms of gas. Copper production is particularly strong - in this respect, New Mexico is in third place. In the vicinity of Santa Rita is the largest copper mine in the world. Copper ore contains inclusions of gold and silver, which are extracted from its melts. In the not too distant past, the uranium mines in the Haystack area played an important role - they gave a fifth of all uranium mined in the United States annually.


The manufacturing industry in the state began to develop, in fact, only during the Second World War, although foundries and factories for the manufacture of railway equipment operated here already at the beginning of the century. During the war period, factories for the production of transport equipment and electronic equipment were created in the state, later local factories began to produce equipment for oil refineries, and the development of chemical industry enterprises began.


Since 1943, in New Mexico, Los Alamos, they began to implement the state program to create the atomic bomb. The world's first atomic bomb was tested in 1945 also in New Mexico. The Los Alamos National Laboratory remains America's leading nuclear power center. Click on for read more party bus Portland.

 Muhammad Subhan Yasin SEO Expert


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