State of Kentucky posted by limo rental Portland


Limo rental Portland has a mission to guide the people.  In the east of the United States is the state of Kentucky with the main city of Frankfort. The southern neighbor of the state is Tennessee, to the north are Illinois, Indiana and Ohio, in the east there are borders with West Virginia and Virginia, to the south is the state of Missouri. The main territory of Kentucky is occupied by the huge Cumberland Plateau. On all sides, the state is surrounded by deep rivers - Mississippi, Ohio, Tennessee, Tag Fork, Big Sandy. Part of the state is covered by the high Appalachian mountain ranges. To the west are unsteady swampy plains. The climate is mostly subtropical and continental. The average temperature in winter is not lower than -5 0 C. In summer - not higher than +30 0 C.


State history

 The first Europeans arrived in Kentucky in the mid-18th century. As a result, European settlements began to form rapidly on its territory. Soon, a new county of Kentucky appeared in the eastern United States, which also included the lands of Virginia. But a few years later, Virginia declared its independence, as a result - Kentucky fell apart into 3 parts. In the late 18th century (1792), Kentucky was named the fifteenth American state.


State landmarks

The city of Louisville has long been incredibly popular. Several dozen natural and urban parks are located within its boundaries. The largest of these is Cherokee Park. This is a great place for a family vacation. Tourists are given the opportunity to take a walking or cycling tour through the park. Enjoy the fresh air and the scent of numerous herbs and flowers. Admire the beauty of the picturesque ponds with lilies and magnolias. History and culture lovers must visit the old quarter of Louisville. Walking along the narrow, winding streets of the quarter, tourists find themselves in the wonderful world of the Victorian era. A huge number of ancient buildings and structures were built on its territory. Several historical museums and monuments are located here. The famous Mammoth Cave, nestled near Louisville, attracts great attention. It reaches a depth of three hundred meters. There are several spacious rooms inside. The walls and ceiling of the cave are decorated with bizarre figures of stalactites and stalagmites. Gambling tourists are recommended to visit the Churchill Downs city race track. Horse races are held on its territory every spring. There is a large horse farm not far from the hippodrome. Tourists are given the opportunity to take part in a fascinating horse show or take a walk in the immediate vicinity in a horse carriage. Nearby there is a small Museum dedicated to horses. The city of Fort Knox attracts great interest. He gained fame - a golden city, since on its territory is located the repository of America's huge gold reserve. The thick granite walls of the vault reliably protect their treasures. Ecotourism lovers simply need to visit the foot of the Cumberland Falls. A breathtaking sight opens before their eyes - a huge stream of water falls from a bird's eye view, streaming along sheer cliffs, powerful cascades. A large aquarium awaits children in Newport, surprising with a variety of marine life. In Frankfort, tourists are given the opportunity to visit the Capitol building or visit a whiskey distillery.


Recreation and entertainment

 Rest in Kentucky attracts mostly fans of sightseeing tourism. For example, in Frankfort, no one will remain indifferent at the sight of the magnificent old quarter - several buildings of the 19th century, made of Italian bricks. For ecotourism lovers, special hiking and trekking paths have been created in natural areas. Numerous gambling establishments of Louisville are waiting for gambling tourists. There are also several sports fields for golf and tennis. The children's audience will be delighted with the Sky Zone Trampoline Park entertainment center. On its territory there is a huge number of different attractions. Playgrounds and playgrounds, cozy cafes and souvenir shops are located everywhere. For fans of water activities, Bowling Green Water Park is the best choice. Numerous restaurants in Kentucky are famous for their fine national cuisine. Visitors will appreciate the taste of real Kentucky bourbon and whiskey. Fried chicken is the signature dish of all restaurants. For read more click on Limo rental Portland.



  Muhammad Subhan Yasin SEO Expert


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